Looking for a super fun Mother's Day art project, card idea...The Bouquet of Secret Messages for Mom!
It's more than a card, it's interactive art.
"Students will have a lot of fun showing mom where the secret messages are! "🫣
*This art lesson uses basic art supplies and requires almost no prep time!
Mother's Day Secret Message Bouquet, art lesson on video.
How to create a Mother's Day Secret Message Bouquet
This art lesson requires two sheets of paper. I'm using 9"x12" mixed media paper.
One sheet of paper is used for the background.
Creating the background...
The second sheet of 9"x12" paper is used for the vase and the flowers.
The paper is cut in half. Half of the paper is used to create a symmetrical vase. The other half of the paper is used to create the flowers.
Decorating the vase and drawing flower shapes...
Putting it all together...
Adding Secret Messages...
I recommend at least three popsicle sticks per child.
I hope you enjoyed this Mother's Day art project....Just in time for Mother's Day!