"The world doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?" ---Pablo Picasso
If Picasso Painted A Snowman, By Amy & Greg Newbold is an enchanting book which exposes students to many different art styles used by some famous artists showing what a snowman would look like in those artist-styles. This book helps students learn about the variety of art styles and encourages students to appreciate the many ways of making art.
This book inspired the art lesson and introduces Cubism
Cubism was a new style of modern art developed by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque. Both artists strived to challenge conventional forms of art, especially perspective, and hoped people could see art in a new way.
Cubism is also known as abstraction, which means “to take apart”.
I demonstrated this concept by literally taking apart my drawing of a snowman and presenting it in a new way. To do this, (1) Use a pair of scissors to cut up sections of the drawing (2). Rearrange pieces to show a new perspective.
To demonstrate Cubism we examined Picasso's famous painting of Dora Maar, Weeping Woman, 1937. Using The Picasso Filter (available on Snap Chat) I wanted to see what I might look like if Picasso painted me. I reminded students it was still me... just a different perspective. We examined "Weeping Woman" By Picasso and talked about how Picasso did not paint Dora Maar the way she looked in real life. Picasso painted Dora Maar to show how she was feeling on the inside.
TATE Kids, Who is Pablo Picasso, a great resource to accompany this art lesson.
If Picasso Drew A Snowman, the art lesson video.
This art lesson introduced students to the Cubist art movement and challenged them to draw a snowman in the style of Picasso. Students had the choice of drawing a snowman portrait or drawing the entire body of a snowman.
Students were encouraged to create original one-of-a kind snowmen.
You will need:
Markers OR Crayons OR Colored pencils
If Picasso drew a snowman....What would it look like?
This art lesson starts with a fun game. There are two ways to play!
This Roll-A-Picasso Snowman Game (above) was designed to draw a snowman portrait.
The first roll is for the head (and shape of face.) If you are drawing the entire snowman start by drawing your snowballs in whatever order you choose. Drawing a typical snowman usually involves drawing three circles, the largest on the bottom. If you are drawing a Picasso Snowman you can draw the body of your snowman in whatever order you choose. Once you draw the body circle shapes you can use this Roll-A-Picasso Snowman game to draw the hat, eyes, nose, and mouth of your snowman OR use the You Pick: Picasso Snowman Idea Sheet for snowman abstraction ideas. However you play, have fun!
PDFs are available to download
Student Art Gallery
Examples of Picasso Snowman Portraits, student art.
Marleigh (Grade 5), Alma (Grade 5), Gus (Grade 3) and teacher example
Picasso Snowman Portrait By Lauren (Grade 1)
Picasso Snowman Portrait By Adayah (Kindergarten)
More Picasso Snowman Portraits...Rowan (Grade 3), Violet (Grade 5), Olivia (Grade 3)
Picasso Snowman By Joey (Grade 2)
Picasso Snowman by Zach (Grade 4)
Picasso Snowman By David (Grade 3)
Picasso Snowman By Nora (Kindergarten)
This art lesson was taught on Zoom (K-Grade 5) The lesson took one 30-45 minute art class.
Three Picasso Snowmen By Ms. Gould
A few Picasso Snowman comics that made students laugh 😂
of Picasso’s cubist artworks are very hard to distinguish as real or identifiable